
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Four, Three, Two...

We have done a few things over the past few days to add to our good deed countdown:

  1. We donated a large bag of the boys' too small clothing to the Clay County Clothes Closet. We have donated clothes to this organization on numerous occasions and it never actually appears to be open, so I really hope the boys' old clothes is going to families who need it!
  2. My sweet husband donated some of his hard earned monies to a coworker who is raising money for Relentless Detroit {Go Paul!}, an organization that helps children and families of children with terminal or lifelong illness. If you want to donate to Paul's cause, just click on the link there, it can be your good deed for the day. :~)
  3. We put quarters in the carts at Aldi AGAIN, now that the boys have done it once, I don't think we will get out of there without putting quarters in the carts. ;~) And yes, I was at Aldi again, they had a really great deal on some Halloween decorations and I just HAD to go back for more, you know how it is. :~) Also, while I was at Aldi buying MORE Halloween decorations, someone did my FAVORITE good deed for me, a nice older lady let the boys and I go in front of her in line because we only had a few things. I LOVE when people do that! I am sure she knew that sometimes waiting in line to pay is the worst time for young kids. Yay lady!
  4. I did the unplanned good deed {really this isn't a good deed, it's something any citizen should have done} of returning a boy who appeared to be about 15 months old or so to his father. The boy was playing at an indoor play place, but had somehow made it to the exit of the building without anyone noticing {which is where we found him}. I walked him back to the play place where I found his dad who hadn't noticed he was missing. I get it, when the boys were that age they ran out of that SAME play area ALL.THE.TIME!!!
I am really hoping that tomorrow I see some of YOU post your good deeds here or on my facebook timeline and tag me! Seeing good deeds pop up will be a PERFECT celebration to the end of chemo!

On that note, if you are the praying/ finger crossing/ chanting/ energy sending/ well wishing type, please send some good juju my way for the following:

  1. That the chemo is doing is job and eradicating the cancer from my body so that it will NEVER return again! {obviously}
  2. That my blood work all looks "good enough" so that I can follow through with my LAST CHEMO HOPEFULLY EVER!!
  3. That the side effect remain manageable so that I can do some fun celebrating with my family/ friends and get things ready for Halloween next week!
  4. That I have a clear mind so that I can remember to ask Dr. K all of my questions about finishing this portion of treatment and what comes next.
  5. That I can be at peace with chemo ending, I know it probably seems insane, but its scary to think about not getting it. It becomes a bit of a safety net and as I have stated before, change is hard.
  6. That I can find some clarity about my upcoming surgery, I am conflicted about a couple of things and I just need some peace.
Thanks friends! I hope to see many of you celebrating with me tomorrow by doing good deeds! XO

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