
Monday, October 21, 2013

Eight, Seven, Six...

Well, it looks like I need to get caught up with the ol' bloggity-blog here!

Eight - On Friday, the boys and I made cookies to take to the neighbors {and by the boys and I, I mean I made cookies, they lost interest after Thomas the Train came on}. It started sleeting as we walked back from the grocery store to retrieve my wallet, which I had FORGOTTEN, thank goodness the nice checker just put the groceries and my receipt off to the side and we drove back to pay! It remained rainy and cold for the rest of the day, so Matt took one plate of cookies across the street {as the boys screamed that they "WANTED TO TAKE COOKIES TO THEIR FRIENDS!". We waited until Saturday to deliver the remainder of the cookies during a walk through the neighborhood. I got to spend time catching up with a childhood friend and the fall weather was crisp and cool. Good times. Also, the cookies we made are seriously the best cookies EVER, I can say this because it's not my recipe. Seriously, do yourself a favor and try these things.

Seven - Saturday's "good deed" was brought to you by the wedding of our sweet friend Shelley. She and her new husband were VERY Earth conscious in their wedding plans. They made sure to use recyclable/reusable materials {such as glass mason jars for drinks}, Earth friend decor {such as apples, sticks, wood and hay bails}, and compostable dinner ware for eating all of the SUPER YUMMY FOOD {seriously, I need that beet spread recipe!}. So, because it's always good to reduce~reuse~recycle and be a good friend to the Earth, Shelley and Derick received wedding gifts procured with that in mind. I'm not going to post pictures of the gifts here, because, one, I forgot to take a picture and two, I don't know if they have opened their gifts yet. Although, I am sure they noticed the "vintage" teacup full of dirt and a thyme plant dug from our garden, haha. So instead, here is a picture of Matt and I on our way to the wedding, yes, I realize I look a bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman in that blonde wig, but hey, the hubs liked it. :~)

Six - I'll admit, this one is going to be kind of lame. Sunday, I went with my Mother-in-law to our local Holiday Mart, where vendors come from all over and set up booths with the idea that hordes of women come in and do some Christmas shopping. It costs money to get in and that money goes to the local Junior League and they do various charity type things with the money <---- so that was the good deed for the day, money to the Junior League. It actually ended up being more charitable than we thought because we had the times wrong and were only able to spend about 45 minutes in there shopping! Oh well! After the Holiday Mart, we met up with my Sister-in-law and Aunt-in-law {is that a thing?} and went to see Wicked. It was my third time seeing Wicked and it was WONDERFUL. I just love that musical and the song Defying Gravity really feels meaningful to me right now. I wish I had a picture of me handing over $15 to spend 45 minutes shopping, but instead, you get this. :~)

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