
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


FIVE - The boys and I put quarters in the carts at Aldi {a discount food store where you have to put in a quarter to get a cart}. You DO get your quarter back, but I figured this way people would either GET an extra quarter or pass on the quarter to someone else. :~) We actually saw a couple go up to put a quarter in and notice that they didn't need one and then smile and point to all of the other carts with quarters in them, so that was nice.

Emmett and Owen spreading the love at Aldi.

And now the CHALLENGE: I would love to challenge all of my friends and family to do a good deed on Friday, or before, or after, or every day, but on FRIDAY I would love it if you would do a good deed or a random act of kindness and SHARE IT WITH ME! You can share your deeds on my facebook wall {if you are my friend}, or in the comments here, or by email, or with the hashtag {sorry Jimmy and Justin} #10gooddeeds on facebook or instagram. I really think that seeing a wave of LOVE and KINDNESS spread through the world on Friday would be the perfect way for me to celebrate FINISHING CHEMO {hopefully forever!!!}. Please help me spread the love by sharing this with your friends and family.

Thanks All! #10gooddeeds

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