
Monday, July 22, 2013

Three Years

Three years ago today our sweet boys got their first glimpse of the world. The first sounds they heard, the first sights they saw, the first touches they felt were all amidst the chaotic efficiency that is an emergency c-section. Fluorescent lights, rushing feet, warming beds, suction, air, determined helpers and hopefully the voices of mom and dad asking, "Is he alright?" "Why isn't he crying?", these were their first experiences. Two and one-half months early, but still I was happy they were on "the outside", that they were now in the hands of trained professionals and no longer trapped within a body that I felt had betrayed them, betrayed me. I felt relieved and I felt happy, really, incredibly indescribably, happy.

Emmett Joseph arrived first at 3:38am. He cried as soon as he tasted the air and the doctor said he FIERCELY grabbed her hand during the delivery. She was amazed that he was blonde, I guess they don't see many blonde babies. :~) Matt and I came up with the boys' names in about 5 minutes {a few weeks before they were born}, however, I guess we never discussed the spelling of their names as after Matt followed the boys to the NICU, he came back to show me their birth stats written on a crunchy hospital paper towel, Emmett's name was spelled "wrong", well, wrong compared to how I had it in my mind {I would also like to state that Emmett peed on me 5 seconds after that photo was taken!}:

Mommy holding Emmett. The Napkin of Misinformation. Daddy holding Owen.
 Owen William followed his brother at 3:39am. He was born silent. I don't know if it was 30 seconds or 3-minutes before he cried, but I know it felt like an eternity. That was my only real moment of panic during the delivery, but he did cry and he certainly hasn't shut up since. :~) Matt and I believe that the "Napkin of Misinformation" also includes another glaring mistake. We believe that the boys' lengths were switched as not one measurement since has ever showed Owen being longer than his brother, sorry buddy. :~)

I can't believe it's been three years. I can't believe how much we have learned from these sweet boys. That first day of their life was just bliss. I am sure that seems weird to say since it was also traumatic and chaotic and they were in the NICU hooked up to all kinds of crap, but it was. They were, and are, the most beautiful little boys I have ever seen, wires and all. Just gorgeous. Seriously, I am not really sure how God made them so perfect. How did He know that they were the perfect little boys for us? It's amazing how they have grown my heart and helped to heal my soul.

I feel like I have SO much more I want to say, but honestly, if I spilled all of the lyrics in my heart's song for these boys, this post would never end because this is forever love. Forever. 

So instead, here are some pictures. My how these sweet boys have grown!

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