
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Meeting with the Breast Surgeon, the Pathology Report

The following was originally posted to Facebook, but needed to be posted here as well.

Got the path report today, things look good. More than 80% of the original tumor was destroyed, margins are totally clean, I still had 2 positive lymph nodes {which is what we thought - they were also changed by chemo, just not sure how much - have been having nightmares all week that they would find a HUGE number of positive nodes}, and the overall characteristics of what they took out are favorable. I won't get into all of the specifics of the characteristics, but to sum up, it's good news. It was never expected that NOTHING would be found during surgery, it's extremely rare to have a complete response and even more rare when your tumor is as highly Estrogen/ Progesterone positive as mine was. The point is, it's all out now, which was the point of surgery. Any stray cells will be destroyed by tamoxifen, which I will start taking after my probable radiation, will be the biggest weapon in the fight against recurrence, it's an amazing drug targeted at cells that are Estrogen positive. Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers, they continue to work, and God continues to remind me that my soul remembers how my body was made. Now, we FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT with good care, good food, good exercise, and a healthy spirit to keep the beast away!

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