It's been one week and three days since my last {please GOD let it be my last!!} chemotherapy treatment ever and one week and three days since I saw a wave of KINDNESS spread across several countries and straight into my heart. I am SO PROUD of my friends, family and even some strangers, so, so proud!
SO.MUCH.GOOD was sent out into the world on that day, which was a REEEAAAALLLLLLY LOOOONNNGGG day, and it made my "time in the spa chair" so much better seeing all of the good deeds pop up on my various social media accounts! Cookies for teachers,
lattes for strangers, cupcakes baked by my SIL {which I handed out to
the nurses and doctors and they LOVED THEM!!}, meals
paid for, gas pumped, help for neighbors, reminders to "check your boobies", food and clothing donated, money to various
organizations across the globe, treats for women on bedrest, flowers for people grieving
their loved ones, time spent with me and the hubs and a SUPER late lunch
{Thanks Shelley for waiting it out with us!}, meal fixins' for an awesome soup, flowers
from family, a gift card for pizza night from some old friends/
coworkers, and the makings for the perfect family movie night waiting on
our doorstep, all of it made for an awesome day! Thank you for helping me turn a perfectly craptastic situation into something wonderful.

It's been one week and three days of soaking up all of the normal we can, which is a bit difficult with my current situation of a HORRIBLY sore mouth, yuck. I didn't have this issue all through chemotherapy, but now TA-DA!!! I love food and not really being able to eat is a huge bummer. Frown. We've been soaking up the normal, 1) because that's how we roll and 2) because I have SURGERY coming up on Friday the 15th of November. To say I am nervous would be a gross understatement, to say I am not second guessing every decision we have made would be a gianormous lie. I.AM.WORRIED. That's all there really is to it. Worried about what they will find during surgery {which I pray is a completely destroyed tumor and clean lymph nodes}, worried about actually having surgery, worried about recovery, worried about pain, worried about needing help, worried about scaring the boys, etc etc etc. Worry doesn't do any good, it only steals the joy from right now and it certainly doesn't solve anything, but sometimes I just can't stop myself which is pretty upsetting to me. So, here are a few pictures of what we have been doing over the past 10 days to keep the worry from stealing the joy. :~)
Celebrating Halloween with the Minions. |
Visiting the new penguins. |
Having leaf fights with cousins. |
Being weird for the camera. |
Chasing Mommy through the trails. |
Now, if you are the praying/ wishing/ hoping/ chanting/ good vibe sending type, we could really use your help right now in these areas:
- That the chemo did it's job, the cancer was destroyed and it will NEVER return again! {obviously}
- That tomorrow's breast and lymph node ultrasound shows that the tumor/ nodes responded really well to the full course of chemotherapy.
- That tomorrow's blood work looks A-okay.
- That tomorrow's discussion with the breast surgeon leaves us feeling good about the decisions we have made and good about the upcoming surgery.
- That the next days leading up to the surgery can be filled with JOY and LOVE and PEACE and ORDINARY!
Can you tell tomorrow is going to be a big stressful day? Thanks for being there friends. XO
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